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E3 Final Seminar

Tackling Pandemics

Presenting scientifical research and solutions for pandemic response

Wednesday Oct 30th 2024

City Center Campus, Helsinki University

Helsinki, Finland

The final event of the E3 Excellence in Pandemic Response and Enterprise Solutions project.



During the seminar, the E3 Excellence in Pandemic Response and Enterprise Solutions project will bring up key results and findings related to the following themes:

  • How do viruses spread?

  • How to take people into account in designing solutions?

  • How to create health-safe premises?

  • Our learnings and recommendations


We invite all experts interested in the topics to join the discussion!

For whom?

This event is for experts, researchers, authorities, municipalities, policy-makers and those who are interested in hearing the latest scientifical findings of pandemic response studies.


9.00 – 9.30

9.30 – 11.30


Keynote session

  • Introduction/overview of E3, Jari Erkkilä

  • What we learned and how to prepare for the next pandemic, Tarja Sironen, Ville Vartiainen, Piia Sormunen, Aku Karvinen

  • Keynote speech: Pandemic preparedness through ventilation in the Netherlands. Roberto Traversari, P3Venti program, TNO

  • Q & A

11.30 – 13.00


Lunch and networking

Results session

  •  Smart modular healthcare:

    •  Effect of ventilation systems for health safety in hospital environment, Piia Sormunen, Tampere University & Granlund Oy

    •  Modular hospital design – saving time and costs,  Jukka Vasara, Granlund Oy

  • Daycare study:

    •  Daycare intervention in Helsinki district, Piia Sormunen, Tampere University

    •  Clean air production with air cleaners, Inga Ehder-Gahm, VTT

    •  Indoor and Outdoor air quality, Topi Rönkkö, Tampere University – mittausryhmän tulokset

    •   The effect of room air cleaners on infection control in day care centers, Ville Vartiainen, HUS

  • Smart office:

    • Clean and comfortable environment for occupants in offices, Panu Mustakallio, Halton & Aku Karvinen, VTT

    • Model for estimating relative airborne transmission risk in buildings, Arto Säämänen, VTT

    • Modelling indoor turbulence to understand airborne transmission of pathogens, Mikko Auvinen, FMI

    • Cross-functional collaboration supporting developments in diagnostics, Milla Mikkola, Roche Diagnostics

15.00 – 15.30

15.30 – 15.45

15.45 – 17.00


Panel discussion: ”How to prepare for the next pandemics” Moderator: Markku Heino, Spinverse

  • Ilkka Salo, CEO, Talotekninen teollisuus ja kauppa ry

  • Miia Kemppi, the City of Helsinki

  • Veli-Jukka Anttila, Dos, Infektiolääkäri, HUS/Mehiläinen

  • Tarja Sironen, Assistant Professor, Helsingin yliopisto

  • Jukka Vasara, Vice President, Granlund Oy

Wrap up

Networking + further discussions (with refreshments)

End of event



Main Building, Small Hall (F4050)

University of Helsinki

Fabianinkatu 33

00170 Helsinki, Finland

Image by Claudio Schwarz

More information

Markku Heino

+358 40 719 1221
Jari Erkkilä
+358 40 513 6917
  • LinkedIn
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